
Short case final general medicine

  Date of Admission- 05 -02-22 A 25 year old Male presented to OPD with chief complaints of  vomitings 10 episodes and bipedal edema and decreased Urinary output since 3 years .  HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 years ago then  he developed multiple episodes of vomitings for which he was admitted in the hospital and found to have high BP of 170 mm Hg .  HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS  Known history of hypertension . Known history of Tuberculosis  No history of Diabetes mellitus asthma, epilepsy. No history of surgeries, chemotherapy or radiotherapy  PERSONAL HISTORY  Diet - Mixed   Appetite- Normal  Bowel movement is regular . Micturition - Normal  Addictions- None  Sleep  - Regular  FAMILY HISTORY   No history of DM, CAD, Asthma and thyroid disorders in the family GENRAL EXAMINATION  Patient is conscious, coherent, co-operative. There are no signs of icterus, clubbing, pallor, cynosis, lymphadenopathy VITALS Temperature- 98.4   Pulse rate-  78 bpm Respiratory

Final pratical exam long case

Feb 8,2022 A 50 year male farmer brought  to casualty with chief complaints of  -pain abdomen since15 days -Loss of appetite since 10 days -H/o fever since 3days. -h/o vomitings since 3 days -h/o constipation since 3 days -h/o altered sensorium since 3 days -h/o yellowish discoloration of urine since 2 days. HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS - Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days ago, he is a chronic smoker and daily alcohol consumption from past 35 yrs.  he developed pain abdomen in epigastric region from past 15 days, associated with 3 episodes of vomitings-food particles as content. With severe abdominal pain at lower part Patient also suffered with constipation from past 3 days. From past 3 days he developed altered sensorium. Yellowish discolouration in urine is seen from past 2 days. PAST HISTORY -  Not a K/C/O DM, HTN,CVA,CAD,COVID-19. DIAGNOSED AS DENGUE IgM POSITIVE ON 2/2/22-AND TREATMENT  TAKEN PERSONAL HISTORY : DIET - MIXED, APPETITE -LOSS OF APPETITE SINCE 10 DAYS BOWE


1-heart failure:   20.hormones secreted by pituitary gland  19.infective endocarditis  18 .intracranial hemorrhagic  17.anti- hypertensive drugs                        16. Insulin therapy in diabetes mellitus: 11.ascites fluid analysis: 4.pleural effusion: 5.dengue fever: 6.Pepti ulcers: 3.acute renal calculi: 8.tuberculosis: 2.cirrhosis                                                                    12.proton pump inhibitors: 11-fever with rash  10.complications of dialysis:

Case history-11

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment" Date of Admission- 20-12-2021 A _27_ year old male patient  presented to OPD with chief complaints of    Fever  since  4_days HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Patient was apparently asymptotic  1 week back . He  developed fever 4 days back which is high grade and continuous in onset with severe headache. He then referred to local hospital which is not subsided after taking medication  Patient is suffering with body pains from past 2 days No history of vomitings ,loose stools  No history o

Case history-10

A 48 yr Male  ,came to opd with Acute History of Poisoning near godavarigudem , nalgonda History of present illness: The patient was apparently asymptomatic 12 days ago ( i.e on 23 /11/21 ) He is works as farmer ,he started consuming alcohol from 20 years . -On 20/11/2021 he started drinking alcohol which he didn’t stopped drinking for 2 days.. -on 22/11/2921 morning . In altered stage he consumed profenofos ( 100-150ml ) - An Insecticide. He was taken to local hospital immediately by his wife.  He had 3-4 episodes of  vomitings .He was given gastric lavage. Pralidoxime and Atropine were administered .  -He was then shifted to navya hospital  on 23/11/21 where he went into respiratory failure . He was ET intubated on 24/11/21 @4 pm -Due to financial concerns he was shifted to our hospital on 25/11/21 insedated stage on mechanical ventilator . Patient was intubated as was diagnosed with  Type 2 Respiratory failure along with Intermediate syndrome  (  Muscle weakness and paralysis) ET tu