Date of admission:4/9/22

A 50 yrs old female presented to opd with chief complaints of necrotic patch on right toe 

History of present illness:

   Patient was apparently a symptomatic one month back.she had developed necrotic patch /bleds on right toe since 15 days.patient suffering with diabetes mellitus since 10 yrs.

She was treated in Nalgonda hospital and advanced amputation but has level was 7.5 mg/dl .after which she was referred to our hospital .patient complaints of pus discharge with foul smelling.movement of right toe is reduced.

Patient complaints of dark /black pigmentation extending till the middle of foot is seen .no sensation occur over the toe .

History of past illness:

  >Not a known case of CAD,asthma,TB,epilepsy,thyroid disorder

>no history of blood transfusion in the past

>patient suffers with hypertension 

Personal history:


Loss of appetite:poor 


Bowel and bladder movement:irregular 

Micturation :abnormal 

Menstrual history:post - menopausal

Respiratory system:regular

Family history:

   No one in family complaints with similar complaints of necrotic patch

—-everyone in her family is suffering with diabetes mellitus 

Allergic history:

Patient is not allergy to any known cause of food

They is no known allergy to dust or pollen 

General examination:

  -patient is conscious,coherent,co-operative 

 - no cyanosis,clubbing 

 -no lymphadenopathy 

 -  no dehydration 

 - pallor is present 

 - malnutrition- present 


Temp -a febrile 

Pulse rate -98 bpm/mm

Resp rate -14 cpm /min

Bp -120/80 mm/hg

Spo2 - 98%

GRBS -170 mg/dl

Systemic examination:

Cvs -NAD


1. CFV,FV, proximal deep FV ,ATV,vessel of right lower limb are examined 

2. Examined vessels shows normal colour flow,compressibility,respirophasic

3. No hyperexhoric foci is examined


1.CFV,FV,DPA is examined

2.examined vessels shows normal colour uptake,waveform

3 examined vessels shows few regions of wall calcification significant stenosis is noted.

Respiratory system:NVBS +

CNS - s1,s2 +

P/A-obstruction +




3.blood sugar:

4.liver function test:

5.HBsAg -rapid:

6.HIV rapid test:

7.serum electrolytes:



1-IVF -NS ,Rl-100 ml/hr

2.inj .piptA2-2.25 gms IV /TD

3.inj .zofee-4 mg IV /TID

4.inj lasix -4mg iv /bd

5 .inj metrogly-480 mg iv 


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