Case history-9

 A 35 yrs female ,came to opd with complaints of swelling in abdomen since 15 days

History of present illness:


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days ago back .

She developed fever which is mild onset ,gradually prognosive associated with chills and rigor.

Fever has been subsided  taking medication.

-she developed abdominal distension 15 days back 

-patient has suffered from loss of appetite from 10 days ago

Past history:

-No history of chest pain ,palpitations,cold ,cough 

-patient is not suffering with hypertension 

no history of diabetes,epilepsy,TB,tyroid disorder

Patient had not undergone any surgeries 

Blood transfusion undergone in 2 ndpregnancy

   Personal history:


Appetite-loss of appetite 

Bowel and bladder-irregular 


Addiction -no addiction 

Family history:

No history of DM/HTN/TB/ asthma/ thyroid 

No similar complaints in the family previously 

Treatment history: not significant 

General examination:

-Patient is conscious,coherent,and cooperative 

No pallor 

No cyanosis 

No icterus

No clubbing 

No lymphadenopathy 

Malnutrition is present 


No Dehydration


Temp -99.5 C/F

Pulse rate -112/min 

Resp ratec-18/min



Systemic examination:

1.cvs-inspection-chest wall is bilateral systemically 

Palpation -normal 

Auscultation-normal with regular heart beat

S1 S2 heard

No murmurs 

2.respiratory system:

Position of trachea-central,normal bilateral air entry,no Av sound 

Dyspnea is seen ,expiratory wheeze is position in all area 

Breath sound is vascular 


  GI tract /mesentery /peritoneal cavity:

-Large lobulated ascites causing peripheral displacement large bowel loops,free ascites

-mild free ascites 

significant omental thickening

Mesentric and anterior diaphymatic lymphadenopathy


Patient is conscious,

Speech is normal 

Neck stiffness is not seen 

Cranial nerves,motar system,sensory system is not seen


Provisional diagnosis:
Chronic liver disease 

1.salt restriction <2.4gms/day
2.fluid restrictions <1l/day
 3. Tab. Aldacrone 50mg /PD/ OD
4. Daily body wt - Abdominal girth measurement 
5. Strict I/o charting 
6. Inj .Neomol 1 gm / IV/ If temp > 101.1 F 
7. Tab . Lasix 40mg /BD

Wt is the cause of ascites?
Where is the fluid come from?


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